Boris Engine
After creating the "Boris the Tomato" game in C++ using SDL2 to render images and play audio, I salvaged the generic parts of the code to create a game engine that could be repurposed for other projects. It is contained in this github repo:
"Game" class performs basic game loop functionality, it abstract and is used by creating a child class which implements functions such as the one that gets the user's input.
"Scene" class represents a scene of the game (similar to a scene in Unity). A scene's internal loop is run until signalled to end, and which point the "Game" class will either run another scene or terminate the program.
Conway's Game of Life
A standard implementation of Conway's Game of Life, a novel detail I like to add is to give a dark-green colour to all the cells that are alive at the start and a light-green colour to all the cells that are dead at the start, after which the cells which change state are given the standard colours of black for living and white for dead. This just adds the qwerk of seeing how long individual cells can maintain their original state.